Farrell M (2005) What is your diagnosis? Metacarpophalangeal osteoarthritis. JSAP 46, 305-306
Farrell M, Philbey AW. Ramsey I (2006) Ureteral fibroepithelial polyp in a dog. JSAP 47, 409-412 Abstract
Jermyn K, Farrell M, Bennett D (2007) Maxillomandibular external skeletal fixation as an alternative technique for treatment of caudal mandibular fractures in 2 dogs and 3 cats (2007) In Proceedings 50th Annual Conference BSAVA, Birmingham, UK, April 12-15, p 443
Farrell M, Thomson D, Carmichael S (2009) Surgical management of traumatic elbow luxation in two cats using circumferential suture prostheses. VCOT 22, 66-69 Abstract
Marshall W, Farrell M, Chase D, Carmichael S. (2010) Maxillomandibular circular external skeletal fixation for repair of bilateral fractures of the caudal aspect of the mandible in a dog. Vet Surg 39, 765-770 Abstract
Chase D and Farrell M (2010) Fracture of the lateral trochlear ridge after surgical stabilisation of medial patellar luxation. VCOT 23, 203-208 Abstract
Farrell M, Dunn A, Marchevsky A (2011) Surgical reconstruction of the feet of a dog affected by full-thickness chemical burns caused by sodium hypochlorite drain cleaner. CCEPV 33 (7), E1-8 Abstract
Farrell M, Trevail T, Marshall W, Yeadon R, Carmichael S (2011) Computed tomographic documentation of the natural progression of humeral intracondylar fissure in a Cocker Spaniel. Vet Surg 40, 966-971 Abstract
Farrell M, Johnson V, Lindsay S, Child G (2011) Massive osteolysis in a dog resembling Gorham’s disease in humans. VCOT 24, 389-397 Abstract
Fitzpatrick N, Pratola L, Yeadon R, Nikolaou C, Hamilton M, Farrell M (2012) Total hip replacement after failed femoral head and neck excision in two dogs and two cats. Vet Surg 41, 136-142 Abstract
Dunn AL, Buffa EA, Hanshaw DM, Farrell M (2012) Osteosarcoma at the site of titanium orthopaedic implants in a dog. Aust Vet J 90, 39-43 Abstract
Belch A, Fitzpatrick N, Farrell M (2012) Stifle arthrodesis in two cats. VCOT 25, 421-426 Abstract
Fitzpatrick N, Yeadon R, Farrell M (2013) Surgical management of radial head luxation in a dog using an external skeletal traction device. VCOT 26, 140-146 Abstract
Farrell M and Fitzpatrick N (2013) Patellar ligament-bone autograft for reconstruction of a distal patellar ligament defect in a dog. JSAP 54, 269-274 Abstract
Fernandez-Sanchez, A, Calvo, I, Farrell M (2019) Articular type II Monteggia fracture with concurrent humeroulnar luxation in a Bengal cat. Vet Rec Case Reports 7: e000697 Abstract
Carbonell Buj E and Farrell M (2019) Permanent cessation of nail growth using multiple nail plate avulsions and phenolisation in a dog. Vet Rec Case Reports 7: e000757 Abstract